Many players think about new off-meta picks either because it’s fun, or because they want to play the game in a more exotic way and maybe challenge themselves. In some rare cases this is an excellent choice since your enemies might not know how to play against your pick and you’ll be able to get some advantage to win your game!
Here’s the best off-meta picks for the AD carry role in season 12!
Cassiopeia bot lane is a strong off-meta pick due to her high consistent magic damage and extra scaling since she is able to build 6 AP items without losing any mobility.
This champion goes well with most supports in lane as she can play without any problems, safely or aggressively in lane due to her high range and sustain. She also counters most of the meta champions right now as she can ground enemies, making them unable to use dashes or flash to escape, and also having the possibility to stun entire teams with her ultimate, giving this pick a lot of value.
The tipic build will be Crown of the Shattered Queen, Seraph’s Embrace, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, Rabadon’s Deathcap and Void Staff.
Here’s the runes for this pick.
If you want to counter the current meta and have fun playing with challenging champions, then Cassiopeia bot lane is for you!
Heimerdinger bot lane is a strong and annoying pick to play against due to the high lane control with his turrets. The main objective of this pick is to push all waves and destroy enemy tower as fast as possible while poking enemy targets, do not be afraid of ganks because this champion is able to win 3 vs 2 fights as long as he has his towers in a good position to fight.
The little yordle loves to play for objectives where he can set up his turrets before the fights so he can control them without any problems. If an enemy is dead and Baron Nashor is alive, feel free to do it as you can melt it quickly with your turrets.
The tipic build is Liandry’s Anguish, Boots, Zhonya’s Hourglass, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Void Staff and Shadowflame.
Here’s the runes for this pick.
If you are looking for an easy champion to play with lots of pressure in lane, then Heimerdinger bot lane is for you!
These are the best and most delightful off-meta picks and builds for the AD carry role in season 12. Don’t forget to share this article and discuss it with your friends!